How to add app to your project

Here we will see how to add any app from FlutKit to your own new application.

Create a new flutter project or use any existing project, Which is look like this


Follow the given below steps to add any particular app to your own application easily

Copy any app and other assets to your project

  1. Copy the whole folder of the application which you need and paste it in the lib folder in your application.
  2. Copy the whole folders of extensions, localizations, theme and images.dart in your application and paste it in the lib folder.
  3. Also you need to copy utils and widgets folder if needed in your application.

Change pubspec.yaml and replace package name with your package name

  1. Do pub get in your pubspec.yaml file to get the dependencies.
  2. Remove package:flutkit from all imports and replace it with package:{YOUR_APPLICATION_PACKAGE_NAME}.
  3. If your package name test_kit, Then you replace package:flutkit to package:test_kit at everywhere in your project.

Finally your project look like this (With our apps)

  1. Most of the errors might have been solved till now.
  2. Still if any error remains kindly look for it in visit common errors