
We provide strong documentation (step by step) in all individual features files in project (when you buy then you see it into the project). But we also provide a basic setup in these web docs.

Note: Please follow pre-requisite steps for this project also

Firebase Setup

1. Go to Firebase console and create new project (with or without anylytics).

2. Go to project settings

For Android
  • Add new android app ( With your package name )

  • Download config file (google-services.json) and place it in './android/app' directory.

  • Add Firebase SDK.

  • Wait for "Run your app to verify installation" or click on "skip this step".

For iOS
  • Add new iOS app ( With your iOS Bundle ID )

  • Download config file (GoogleServices-info.plist) and place it in './ios/Runner' directory.

  • Add Firebase SDK and follow initialisation code.

  • Wait for "Run your app to verify installation" or click on "skip this step".

3. Go to Authentications and set up sign in method with enable Email/Password method.

Note : We already added dummy google-services file into Integrations project. If you use this project in productions then you should follow these steps and generate your services file for your project.


Here is the list of plugin with the official documentation. FlutKit Features won't be easy to build without using them, and we are thankful to them.